Judul: The ASIASAFE Road Safety Handbook: The Best Practices in Traffic Safety between Europe – Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam
Pengarang: Sara Ferreira, M Vikneswary Suresh, Mohd Faizal Sulaiman, Ghazwan Al-Haji, Antonio Comi, Yuen Choon Wah, Nik Ibtishamiah Ibrahim, Siti Malkhamah, Mukhammad Rizka Fahmi Amrozi, Noor Mahmudah, Anita Rahmawati, Nguyen Dinh Nen, Thai Hong Thuy Khanh, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Premkumar Rajagopal, Khairir Khalil, Maria Augeri, Filippo Biasi, Umberto Crisalli, Vittorio Nicolosi, António Lobo, José Pedro Tavares, Suhana Koting, Onn Chiu Chuen, Arumdyah Widiati, Latif Budi Suparma, Dian Setiawan, Bui Ngoc Dung, Ngo Thuy Linh, Bui Tien Thanh, Bui Thi Giang, Ngo Van Minh.
ISBN: 978-623-02-5788-9
Tahun: 2024
University of Porto, Portugal
Malaysia University of Science and Techn

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This handbook on Road Traffic Safety, titled “The ASIASAFE Road Safety Handbook: The Best Practices in Traffic Safety between Europe – Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam,” is a collaborative effort involving nine universities across Asia and Europe. It represents over three years of intensive research, discussions, and consultations with relevant agencies in participating countries.
The six Asian universities involved are the Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaya (Malaysia), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Muhammadiyah (Indonesia), and Nguyen Tat Thanh University, University of Transport and Communications (Vietnam). The three European universities are Linkoping University (Sweden), University of Porto (Portugal), and University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Italy).
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided in this handbook, it is essential to acknowledge that each country has its own unique conditions and circumstances concerning road traffic safety. Therefore, the content of this handbook should be adopted and adapted according to the specific situations and needs of individual countries.
Readers are advised to exercise caution and discretion in implementing the recommendations and strategies outlined in this handbook, considering the local context and consulting with relevant authorities and experts as needed. The authors and contributing institutions do not accept any responsibility for the consequences of actions taken based on the information provided in this handbook.