Signal Design and Optimisation for Intersections
Optimised Signal Capacity and Delay, Phase-based Rapid Optimisation of traffic signals

Menghitung dan mengoptimasi kapasitas, panjang antrian dan tundaan pada persimpangan dan lampu lalu lintas dan memprediksi tingkat kecelakaan pada jalan perkotaan.

OSCADY PRO is a advanced traffic signal design program for the rapid optimisation of isolated signal controlled intersections. OSCADY PRO makes use of a number of unique techniques to produce signal timing plans that achieve maximum intersection capacity, minimum delay or critical cycle times based on user preference.

Main Features

  • Simple and intuitive intersection design with new modelling features
  • Automatically generate signal stages and stage sequences
  • Achieve maximum intersection capacity and minimise delay
  • Easily add new lanes, traffic streams or roads
  • Quickly add new phases and specify phase movement

OSCADY PRO can automatically generate and optimise signal stages and stage sequences, all that is needed is for the user to enter minimum intergreen times in the intergreen matrix. The program does the rest and calculates all possible stages and stage sequences, OSCADY then produces sets of individual phase timings that maximise capacity and/or minimise delay. Phase delays and repeated greens are automatically handled by the program and at large or complex intersections the best stage sequences automatically identified

Main screen, showing a diagram of the junction, task list and main data entry screens. The file can be navigated either via the data outline ‘tree’ (on the left of the screen) or via the various graphical screens.


The Junction Diagram screen, showing a simple T-junction. The diagram acts as a visualisation for most data items and allows the file to be edited graphically. It has a large number of options and can be used in several different modes. Dotted lines indicate opposed movements.

The Junction Diagram screen, showing the current stage sequence.

The Junction Diagram screen showing signal states of each phase at 75s into the cycle, alongside the Phase Timings screen. These two screens act together to help in the visualisation of the junction operation. The blue vertical line indicates the time in the cycle that is being currently displayed.


source: trlsoftware.co.uk