Category Archives: Intelligent Transport System

Micro-Simulation and Modelling with Aimsun

Traffic microsimulation models simulate the behavior of individual vehicles within a predefined road network and are used to predict the likely impact of changes in traffic patterns resulting from changes to traffic flow or from changes to the physical environment … Continue reading

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ITS – Electronic payment systems and electronic toll

Bahan kuliah mahasiswa LIU summer 2009. Mata kuliah            : Intelligent Transport System (ITS TNK-052) Sub-mata kuliah  :  Electronic payment systems and electronic toll Presentation slide by Clas Rydergren download Artikel : Blythe2005.pdf  download MooreIIGiuliano1998.pdf  download ViannaPortugalBalassiono2005.pdf … Continue reading

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ITS – Driver assistance and vehicle control

Berikut ini merupakan paparan dan artikel menarik dalam mata kuliah ITS (intelligent transport System). Kuliah ITS sub-Driver assistance and vehicle control dibawakan oleh Andreas Tapani, di Linkoping University, summer 2009.

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